
Category: news

Easter Tennis Camp, April 13-17, 2020

Sign up for or Easter Tennis Camp on April 13-17, 2020.
We offer a camp for kids of all skill levels and ages.

The camps are split up according to kids’ levels to maximize their potential and learning experience while having fun in a stress-free environment.

The Camp is supervised by an experienced USTA certified couches.

The Camp starts at 10 am and goes until 4 pm with a break from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm (bring your own lunch).
Early drop off and late pickup are available at no charge (please check the times with the front desk).

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (631) 667-3476 or email us at fortunadpt@gmail.com.



Mixed Doubles Tournament, Sat, March 14

Hi, Tennis Friends!

Warmth is already here, so it’s time to break free from winter lethargy and play some tennis!!!
Participate in Mixed Doubles Tournament on Saturday, March 14.

The warm-ups will start at 4:30 pm.
The tournament starts at 5 pm.
There will be 5 rounds, 30 minutes each.

Winners will be awarded trophies!
Pizza and beverages for everybody!

RSVP required!
Registration: $35

Please contact us by phone (631-667-3476) or email (fortunadpt@gmail.com) to sign up.


Mixed Doubles Tournament, Sat, February 22 Congratulations

Congratulations to the winners of our Mixed Doubles Tournament, that we held this past Saturday, February 22.

All 12 teams were playing great, high level of competition and sportsmanship!

The winners are:

1st place -Sue & Mark
2nd place – Debbie & Frank
3rd place – Toni and Matt


L4 Eastern Super Six at Deer Park, February 15-17, 2020

Congratulations to the winners of the national tournament – L4 Eastern Super Six at Deer Park.

Boys 12 Singles:
Champion – Andrew Gordon (Brooklyn,NY)
Finalist – Filip Nikolovski (Alpine,NJ)
3rd – Zen Uehling (Alpine,NJ)
4th – Zavier Augustin (Malverne,NY)
5th – Mateo Pouso (Beechhurst,NY)
6th – Sean Grosman (Glen Head,NY)